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Eli Smiley

Growing up at a country club in Atlanta, Eli developed a passion for the game of golf. After obtaining a Doctorate in Physical Therapy, Eli aims to combine his passion of golf, fitness and rehab into an optimal golf performance program designed to optimize power and promote joint health simultaneously

Driven by a desire to help others improve health and performance, Eli aims to use his expertise in movement to help you achieve your goals both on the golf course and in everyday life through fitness. Although studies continue to support the abundant benefits of physical training over the last few decades, the vast majority of people remain unhealthy and refrain from training for a multitude or reasons. 

The mission of country club athlete is to mobilize the interest and passion of golfers into a desire to train, bettering themselves and their overall health. While the primary benefit of this program will come in many forms in feeling and output on the golf course, you will enjoy the countless benefits strength training has to offer.

Family PT school graduation.JPEG
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